Literary discussion in Restaurant Indonesia, Rue Vaudegirard,PARIS


Literary discussion in Restaurant Indonesia, Rue Vaudegirard,PARIS, with Johanna Lederer of AFI Pasar Malam and moderated by Halida Ilahude-Leclerc , January 2012

Literary discussion in Restaurant Indonesia, Rue Vaudegirard,PARIS, with Johanna Lederer of AFI Pasar Malam and moderated by Halida Ilahude-Leclerc , January 2012


Reading “Searching for Chrysanthemums”, from collection of “9 dari Nadira”

Reading "Searching for Chrysanthemums", from collection of "9 dari Nadira" at Winternachten Literary Festival, Den Haag, January 2012

Reading “Searching for Chrysanthemums”, from collection of “9 dari Nadira” at Winternachten Literary Festival, Den Haag, January 2012

Winternachten Literary Festival

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Winternachten Literary Festival, Den Haag January 2012 , panel with Bejan Matur

Winternachten Festival

Winternachten Festival, January 2012,
Panel discussion with Leila S.Chudori, Adriaan van Dis and Anil Ramdas

28-30 November,

Penang, Malaysia

Friday November 28th, 2014, 9 am

Discussion on “Pulang, a Novel” by :


October 17th 2014

Friday Oct 17, 14:00 :
Meet and Greet, discussion and book-signing with  Leila S.Chudori, author of “Pulang” (Retour)
Venue: INDONÉSIE bookstore
Galerie Artes, 11 rue Frédéric Sauton, 75005, m° Maubert-Mutualité,
(Open from 11- 19)

October 16th 2014

Indonesian literature, a biennial event “Paris as viewed from Jakarta” in Paris

October 15th 2014

Discussion on Pulang at de l’Institut Universitaire Asie-Pacifique